Thursday, September 08, 2005

Guru Reloaded

hi ppl....
Got a quite a good response to my first blog
so here i am with some more management fundas...

so here are a few more...
(continuation from last blog) your team but dont trust them:
confused? yes, my dear you must love your team at any given point and so must is important for every successful target.but, my dear naver take them for granted.manager's work isn't over by distributing tasks to the team. he must see everything goes smoothly and there is no problem in flow of info frm member to manager.
This is the difference between "job done" and "job well done".

well i referred to it in the snap of last blog.
But a manager must know wat kind of leadership is required at wat point . whether it must be directive or humanatarian , aggressive or defensive , it should be executed perfectly.

8.Motivate and be motivated.
this point you will find in any managerial behaviour its no point discussing but this is one of the most important funda.

9.Lose your cool but never loose your cool:
confuse again? heres the funda... never loose your cool in executing any task. you must be cool enough to take wise decisions under any level of strain. But,yes, sometimes it becomes necessery to show that you have lost your cool to get something out of your subordinates and team.

10. planning is an instantanous phenomena
most managers think once planning is done there job is more or less over.never fall into the illusion.planning must go on at every point of time even during the course of execution of plan.
you must be clear so present conditions and suitably modify the plans. A good plan may become disaster in absence of constant modification.

11.Risk taking
there is no upper limit to innovation.Be confident and dare to take any damn risk but only when you are confident to defend it.wise risk are shortcuts to success while a wrong decision is shortcut to unemployment.

12.Step up
whenever a challenging task comes up, a manger must have guts to step up and lead the task.
its a sure shot shortcut to heavy bank balance.

13.accept your failure
Although many of officers won't advice it to any newcomer but its always better to accept your failure at some time and not look for excuses.But at the same time, you must know how to correct it.

14.NET PROFIT: the only task
many of managers define there aim as maximum production or minimum wastage etc. always set your system for max. profit for given constraints. a min wastage problem may compromise time variable or prodn variable which may affect profits. Dont mind wastage if it gives you net profits.

if you are bad at mathematics i am afraid you may not be as successful against a manager exelling in maths. believe it or not, mathematics makes person smarter and presentable...a must for any manager.
any decision or plan backed by powerful maths is always welcomed.

so thats all for now folks.
i will be back with more fundas but after a while.
the next blog will be totally new...wait for it...coming soon.

and take good care of yourself.

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